SMG Savage Grooves
30 professionally recorded songs. Practice your mixing. All royalty-free!
30 songs are a lot of material to practice mixing with, but you’re not being thrown into the deep end of the pool without any help.
There are five in-depth mix lessons included as part of the SMG Savage Grooves.
No matter what type of bundle or collection of free plugins are in your DAW, you will gain the insight you need in order to become a better mixer.
The best part is these lessons are approached with five completely different mix platforms:
- Slate Digital
- Waves
- Free Plugins
Full Production
Each song contains live drums, sample free. They also include all the direct guitar and bass tracks for use with amp sims or reamping.
Build a resume, attract new clients, post them on your own YouTube show and demo your own mix techniques!

30 Songs
All used on the SpectreSoundStudios YouTube channel over the last two years. Every time I say “let’s hear it in a mix” these are the tracks I go to. Now they can be yours!

Mix Lessons
What’s more, there are FIVE mix lessons included. I show you how to mix with five completely different plugin platforms: There are lessons for Slate, Waves, McDSP, PSP, and even one on how to mix with completely FREE plugins!

Professional Video for Your Content [Ultra Edition]
Producing great quality video is no easy task.
- Which camera should you buy?
- What lightning system is the best?
- How do you set up the lights for shooting content?
- What is the best way to frame yourself in the shot?
- Which video editing software should you invest in?
- How do you do color correction?
- The list of questions could really go on and therefore it can be a big hurdle for many aspiring content creators as it’s yet another learning curve on top of recording and mixing music.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was high-quality stock footage to take advantage of for gear demos and mixing tutorials that you could use?
In the SMG Savage Grooves Pack Ultra Edition, you get all the performance video included, which means that creating content for YouTube or Instagram just became infinitely easier.
Simply take the videos provided and cut your content creation time in half by inserting the video files you need into your video editing software and hit export.

Build Your Portfolio
Maybe you are trying to get started out in becoming a Mixing Engineer.
With Savage Grooves, you have 30 different songs to not only practice with, but actually build out your portfolio and show people what your work sounds like.
This is easily the most difficult step in starting a career in Audio Production. Getting started. But not anymore!

Meet Your Instructor - Glenn Fricker

Glenn Fricker is best known as the Sound Engineer and Youtube host of Spectre Sound Studios where he has been entertaining millions. He started his channel as a way to help bands avoid making costly mistakes in the studio… mistakes he has seen bands make over, and over, and over, all the while throwing countless thousands of dollars out the window. His videos are focused on getting the fundamentals and advanced techniques, all while having a ton of laughs along the way.
Over the years, He has worked with bands such as Wood of Ypres, and even got to mix a track for Queensryche. These days, he mostly focuses on helping the home recording musician get better results with their setup. Making videos based on the idea of what he would have liked to have seen when he was learning. He hopes you find what he has to offer helpful!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is it?
We’ve collected 30, 1 minute songs from videos over the last two years on the Youtube channel, Spectre Sound Studios. These are ALL the tracks… drums, guitars, bass, in raw format.
Can I use these tracks in my own projects?
Yes! The copyright license is unrestricted. Use them in your own videos, demos, however you like. You bought it, you can use it how you please!
Who played on these tracks?
All sorts of SMG regulars…. Jackson Ward, John Souki, Chris Riffinski, Erik Arko, Felicity, and Rudy Ayoub.
Will they work in my DAW?
Yes! All of the tracks have been consolidated for easy importing. Tempos are noted right on the song folder’s title.
What if I don't need the videos?
The SMG Savage Grooves Pack Ultra Edition includes all the accompanying video for the 30 tracks for you to use royalty free. The rest of the content between both packs is the same.
What are the “Bonus Tutorials?”
We put together five basic mix tutorials depending on your plugin platform: Waves, Slate, McDsp and PSP. There’s even a tutorial on how to mix with FREE plugins!
What about the video files? Are they easy to use?
All video files have been edited for maximum ease of use. All you need to do is open your video editing software, drag in the clips you want to use and export the video—no extra editing or corrections needed!
How is the course delivered?
Once you have bought the course, you can stream it all right from our website on our custom platform that lets you keep track of your progress. But if you rather download the videos for viewing later, you can do that too.